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The Y’s Men’s Club, a sub-brand of the YMCA, was encouraged to establish a facility in Ballarat to provide education, welfare and therapy for children with disabilities. Prominent local psychiatrist, Dr Eric Cunningham Dax challenged the Club to construct the facility.
The Y’s Men’s Club, led by its then president Mr R. Austin McCallum took up the challenge and worked hard to make the vision a reality. With assistance from the State Government and through the generous support of labour from the Master Builders, Master Plumbers and Master Painters Associations.
The aforementioned facility was officially opened in 1955 by the Honourable Henry Bolte MP.
The facility was named "McCallum House" after Jack Sheehan, a founding member and Ballarat High School Principal, proposed the organisation be named in Austin's honour for the work he undertook setting up the facility.
Nancy McCallum and seven of her Honorary Probation Officer friends identified the need to provide local accommodation and support for young women appearing before the courts and being sent to institutions away from Ballarat. The women established the Lisa Lodge Girls Hostel for females aged 15 to 19.
Lisa Lodge Hostel would later go on to merge with Berry Street in 2012.
Robert Austin McCallum passes away from a cerebral aneurism he sustained after serious head trauma following a fall. Austin was aged 63.
McCallum completes construction of its new facility on the corner of Learmonth and Leopold Streets in Alfredton. This site was originally utilised as, what was then referred to as a, Sheltered Workshop where pallets were constructed and paper recycling was undertaken.
The site is now home to McCallum's head office and Community Access programs.
McCallum completes construction of its new administration building on the corner of Learmonth and Leopold Streets.
This building continues to provide administration space for approximately 30% of McCallum's office based staff.
A merger with "Central Highlands Regional Residents Association for Intellectually Disabled Persons" and "Central Highlands Independent Living Inc." formed McCallum Disability Services Inc.
McCallum Industries supported Employment Program re-located to 1820 Sturt Street, Ballarat.
Seven Independent Living Units developed on vacant land at Leopold Street, Alfredton.
Murdoch Community Services in St Arnaud merged with McCallum.
McCallum begins Supported Independent Living services at the newly constructed accommodation unit built at Spencer Street, Sebastopol.
Community Connections@Albert, 173 Albert Street, Sebastopol developed as a community centre for Club LOWD (Life Options Work Directions).
McCallum purchased Coronet Laundry in Coronet Street, Wendouree. The business is renamed McCallum Linen and becomes a social enterprise providing employment for people with and without disability.
The $1.8m Albert Street housing development was completed to provide a new, more inclusive community for eight young people living with disabilities. The units were designed so they were spacious, modern, open plan and, most importantly, tailored to residents needs.
McCallum commences as a registered provider of the NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers. The NDIS will mean peace of mind for every Australian - for anyone who has, or might acquire, a disability
McCallum purchased two blocks of land in the newly developed Ballarat suburb Lucas. Two houses are planned to be constructed on these blocks of land and will provide modern, technologically advanced and innovative housing for people with disability.
McCallum completes a $130,000 redevelopment of its external playspace at 29 Learmonth Street. The playspace includes interactive play equipment, a road network with traffic lights, swings and soft fall flooring.
McCallum opens its Sturt Street office in the former Union Hotel (11 Sturt Street). This office is home to McCallum's "Central Intake & Support Coordination" team.
McCallum officially completes the first of six new homes planned to be constructed in Lucas, Ballarat. This home is built to "Platinum Plus", the highest level in the Australian Livability Guidelines and includes assistive technology such as automated benchtops, baths and appliances to make the house as user friendly as possible for residents.
McCallum completes a $50,000 redevelopment of a program area to create the "Connect Cafe" at 29 Learmonth Street. The "Connect Cafe" provides Participants with the opportunity to learn cooking and coffee making skills in a supported environment.
McCallum begins renovations of McCallum Industries (1820 Sturt Street). The renovation included cosmetic upgrades, amenity improvements, as well as construction of storage sheds.
McCallum launched a School Leavers Employment Supports (SLES) program to enable young adults leaving secondary school the opportunity to gain work experience and further education before entering the workforce. 11 Participants joined the program in 2019 and saw them undertake multiple work experience programs and create their very own pop-up clothing store called "NANCYMAC".
"NANCYMAC" was named after Nancy McCallum, the late Austin McCallum's wife. The store sold pre-loved, boutique clothing at 4 Doveton Street South.
McCallum begins construction of a new purpose-built house in Lucas. This house will be built to the Specialised Disability Accommodation "Improved Livability" category under the NDIS. Three residents will call this property home with full-time, 24/7 on-site support.
Nancy McCallum turns 100 years of age on November 14 2020. A remarkable achievement for a remarkable woman.
McCallum purchases two more blocks of land in Lucas to be developed into disability housing in the coming years.
McCallum and Ballarat Regional Industries strike an in-principal agreement to merge their businesses. The decision is expected to be approved by members at the Annual General Meetings of both organisations in late 2021. The merging of the two businesses will create the largest social enterprise in Western Victoria.
Nancy McCallum is awarded Life Membership of McCallum Disability Services. An acknowledgement of her achievements and her leadership in the Ballarat social and community services sector.
McCallum merges with Ballarat Regional Industries (BRI) to create the largest social enterprise in Western Victoria. McCallum now provides employment to almost 300 people with disability throughout Ballarat and St Arnaud.
McCallum completes the construction of two new houses in Lucas, Ballarat. The houses are built to the NDIS' Specialised Disability Accommodation "Improved Livability" category and will provide modern, supported accommodation for 6 residents.
McCallum is awarded the contract to operate two Victorian Container Deposit Scheme depots in Ballarat North and South.
The sites will process a combined 19 million containers annually and provide employment for up to 20 people with disability.

Pictured: McCallum's Visitor Book from 1955 with first signatories the Hon. Henry Bolte, his wife Edith 'Jill' Bolte and E. Cunningham Dax.